Date & Time
Monday, September 18, 2023, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
FRI Action Plans and Past Noncompliance
Victoria Burlew, Lebenbom & Rothman Consulting
Are you living with frequent FRI surveys? Do you have repeat citations for abuse or reporting? Are you frustrated with fixing things and not getting credit for Past Noncompliance? Are your 5-day reports diamonds in the rough? This session will show you how to polish those reports with action plans that lead to desk reviews. We also discuss how to apply the principles of QAPI and create a Project Improvement Plan that leads to Past Noncompliance.
  1. Identify immediate corrective actions to protect the residents.
  2. Describe the 4 elements of the Plan of Correction and how to incorporate into the 5-day report to the state.
  3. Discuss the role QA has in FRI reporting and how to structure an ongoing PIP to attain Past Noncompliance.

Nurse Learner Outcome: At the conclusion of this session, participants will self-report a knowledge gain in how to develop Project Improvement Plans related to Facility-Reported Incidents

Location Name
Ballroom C (DeVos Place)