Date & Time
Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Closing Keynote: The Future of Elder Care: Are You a Diamond in the Rough?
Alicia Cantinieri, Zimmet Healthcare Services Group, LLC
The last few years have been difficult for long-term care. We've endured a global pandemic, a new Medicare payment model, negative press, and staffing shortages, to name a few. The future isn't all negative. There are current and new publicly reported measures and opportunities to improve the quality of care facilities provide to our elders. This session will discuss the data available and some best strategies to use the pressure we are under to transform our facilities from coal to a bright, shiny diamond!
Learner Objectives:
  1. Define the demographics of Michigan's elders.
  2. Examine the trends related to payer sources for elder care.
  3. Differentiate between measures of effectiveness and quality.
  4. Identify best strategies for the facility's public profile and measurable success.

Nurse Learner Outcome: At the conclusion of this session, participants will self-report a knowledge gain regarding a facility's public profile and opportunities to improve that profile.

Location Name
Ambassador Ballroom (Amway Grand Plaza Hotel)