Date & Time
Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Reset Your Understanding of F880
Jana Broughton, Superior Health Quality Alliance
Patricia Leonard, Improve Health/Superior Health
F880 infection control has been the focus for nursing homes for the past 3 years. As we enter the endemic phase of COVID, let's take a look at F880 with fresh eyes. This session will take a deep dive into the elements of F880 that continue to create headaches of compliance for nursing homes. We will review the F tag from an overview of content and review the gaps most often cited. We will look at the links between F880 and staff turnover; as well as F880 and other tags being linked in survey outcomes. We will review water management and other non-clinical focused sections of infection control and discuss their impact on facility compliance. Finally, we will wrap up with a quick overview of what a QIN/QIO is and how we support nursing homes in quality improvement.
Learner Objectives:
  1. Identify components of F-880 infection control regulation.
  2. Discuss impact of staff turnover on infection control program outcomes and quality
  3. Recognize emerging trends in infection control surveys.
  4. State risks associated with lack of consistent application of infection control practices.
Nurse Learner Outcome:
  • At the conclusion of this session, participants will understand the basis for F880, the impacts of staff turnover on infection control program effectiveness, and emerging trends noted in infection control non-compliance.
Location Name
Brule Room (5th Floor)
Handout A