Date & Time
Friday, October 27, 2023, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Regulatory Updates - Resetting After the Pandemic
Vickie Burlew, Lebenbom & Rothman Consulting
Following the end of the pandemic both CMS and Michigan RESET their regulatory focus and process. CMS focused on the REBOOT of the Biden Administration's priority of the minimum staffing requirement, while Michigan focused on clarity and efficiency in the certification of nursing assistants and the survey process. Don't think these dice are loaded against you. Learn the particulars - and what you need to do to operationalize the changes. Then ROLL THE DICE!
Learner Objectives:
  1. Identify the Michigan Nurse Aide Registry
  2. Describe the recent CMS Minimum Staffing Proposal
  3. Discuss changes to the regulatory survey process
Nurse Learner Outcome:
  • At the conclusion of this session, the participants will self-report a knowledge gain of improvement needed in daily operations resulting from changes in the regulation or regulatory process.
Location Name
Mackinac Ballroom (5th Floor)
Handout A
Handout B