Date & Time
Monday, September 16, 2024, 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
From Mouth to Health - The Impact of Nutrition on Infection
Michelle Carr, McKesson

Join us for an enlightening presentation on the critical role of nutrition in health care facilities and its profound impact on infection prevention. This session will delve into the latest research and practical strategies for enhancing dietary practices to bolster the immune systems of elderly residents. Learn how tailored nutritional interventions can significantly reduce the incidence of infections, improve overall health outcomes, and enhance the quality of life for our most vulnerable population. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and actionable knowledge that can transform care practices in your facility.

Nurse Learner Outcome: At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to self-report a knowledge gain of how to make at least one nutrition intervention to improve a patient's ability to prevent and/or combat infection.

Learner Objectives:

  1. Explore the 3 ways nutrition impacts the body’s defense to infection.
  2. Discuss 4 techniques to encourage better intake among residents.
  3. Analyze 5 key ingredients of nutrition supplements which impact infection.
Location Name
Ballroom D (DeVos Place)