Date & Time
Monday, September 16, 2024, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Managed Care - Leveling Up, Embracing Change and Winning Financially
Tuonisia Turner, Mix Solutions, Inc.

This interactive lecture provides knowledge, essential tools, best practices and key steps to managed care preparedness and readiness including the upcoming change to state programs. Tips and tricks of managing managed care daily will be given through a dive into contracting, case management and business office. Attendees will leave ready to take on change and maximize managed care for operational and financial gains.

Nurse Learner Outcome: At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to self-report a knowledge gain on managing managed care team and case management system workflow.

Learner Objectives:

  1. Analyze in detail the significance healthcare reform and change, initiatives and legislation, continue to have on our skilled nursing industry and how change in the MI Health Link program means prepared and readiness are key for success.
  2. Identify the nuts and bolts of managed care case management workflow with a team approach for facility success.
  3. Examine managed care contract education leading to team system development for maximization of financial strategies
Location Name
Ballroom C (DeVos Place)