Date & Time
Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Managing Food Waste & Costs in a Facility Kitchen
Cassandra Whitmore, Self-employed
Although managing costs has always been important in our facilities, the challenges of the past few years have made this an even more important consideration. We will talk about how we can utilize regulations, standards of practice, and the tools available to us to provide safe and high quality food while managing our costs more effectively. We will look at some tips for managing costs from every angle. We will also consider ways to reduce food waste, whether it’s from our Residents’ plates or the walk-in. No matter your experience level or years of tenure, you are likely to find an idea in this presentation that you can put to use on Monday morning.
Learner Objectives:
  1. Discuss how standard practices in skilled nursing and assisted living kitchens can help us better manage our costs.
  2. Consider how food safety and quality intertwine.
  3. Examine tips to help you better meet your budget needs while reducing food waste.
Location Name
Ballroom D (DeVos Place)