Date & Time
Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
Value Based Care in Assisted Living
Alan Fairbanks, Serviam Care Network
Amy Kaszak, Curana Health

Value-Based Care (VBC) models align seamlessly with the mission of senior housing communities: to provide the best care and quality of life for residents. This session will explore how VBC can enhance the management of chronic conditions, promote preventative care, and ultimately keep residents healthier and out of the hospital. We'll discuss financial arrangements that create alignment between operators, healthcare providers, and residents, highlighting incentives like reduced hospitalizations, improved length of stay, and higher satisfaction rates. Learn how to begin exploring and implementing VBC in your community to achieve these outcomes and elevate resident care.

Learner Objectives:

  1. Define value-based care.
  2. Review the key terms associated with Value-based care.
  3. Discuss how value-based care is more than just having a contract with a payer.
  4. Explore value-based care at the community level.
Location Name
Grand Gallery DEF (DeVos Place)