Date & Time
Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Breaking the cycle of MDRO's in LTC
Are multi drug resistant organisms a problem in LTC? Absolutely, and they are definitely contributing to the healthcare associated infection threat. There are many ways to approach the reduction and prevention of MDRO's within LTC using the "layered approach". This presentation will go over multiple interventions appropriate for MDRO prevention including hand hygiene, surface disinfection, enhanced barrier precautions, nasal decolonization, the use of UV light, and the use of skin antiseptics.
Nurse Learner Outcome: At the conclusion of the session, participants will self-report a knowledge gain of interventions to prevent MDROs including hand hygiene, UV light, appropriate surface disinfection, EBP, and nasal decolonization.
Learner Objectives:
  1. Review the threat of MDRO’s in the environment and the impact on HAI’s in LTC
  2. Describe how nasal decolonization can be an important intervention for HAI prevention.
  3. List other ways to reduce MDRO’s both in the environment as well as with the resident.
Location Name
Handout A
Handout B