Abuse, Complaints, Plan of Corrections & IDR
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM

During the first portion of this session, participants will learn the fundamental principles associated with an allegation of abuse, including reporting in a timely manner; conducting a thorough investigation; and methods to implement in an effort to reduce the frequency of allegations. During the second portion of this session, participants will learn strategies to reduce family and resident complaints, including utilization of a grievance process as well as the general procedure for State Survey Agency complaint investigations. Finally, participants will learn the differences between the IDR and IIDR processes as well as the acceptable bases for appealing a regulatory deficiency. By the end of the session, participants will present their findings on a case study investigation. 

Nurse Learner Outcome: At the conclusion of this session, participants will self-report knowledge gain of how to apply the regulatory definition of abuse; when to report an abuse allegation; how to conduct a thorough investigation; and how to maintain resident safety during an investigation on the post-event evaluation.

Learner Objectives:

  1. Evaluate situations to determine if they involve an allegation of abuse.
  2. Apply the general principles involved in writing an effective IDR.
  3. Examine the core principles of an acceptable Plan of Correction (POC).
Handout A
Handout B