Date & Time
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 12:45 PM - 2:15 PM
Hot Topic: Regulatory Updates Including CMS Minimum Staffing Rule, Facility Assessment, Medication Aides, CNAOnline, and Top 10 Citations
Vickie Burlew, Lebenbom & Rothman Consulting
Andrew Rothman, Lebenbom & Rothman, PC
This interactive session will start out with HCAM leadership updating participants on the intent of the new CMS Minimum Staffing rule and its impact on the industry. Then legal counsel will provide an in-depth review of the additional facility assessment requirements that go into effect on 8/8/2024. Next, we will discuss the top 10 citations in the past 12 months across Michigan. Join in the problem-solving - how do you prevent these citations and repeat citations in your homes? We will also provide an update on the Medication Aide legislation and what needs to be accomplished before programs will be up and running. Lastly, we review the Rules for CNAs and using the CNA Registry. We introduce CNA Online and describe how you might use this to train your team.
Nurse Learner Outcome: The participants will self-report a knowledge gain in the regulatory expectations as seen in CMS survey results and changes in state and federals laws and rules. The participants will self-report a knowledge gain in resources to assist them.

Learner Objectives:

  1. List the top ten citations in Michigan.
  2. Review the medication aide legislation and progress toward implementation.
  3. Discuss options for nurse aide training across the state.
Location Name
Ballroom I