Nomination submissions are now closed.

Awards Nominations Accepted Until July 15, 2024

HCAM has a robust awards and recognition program. Nominating a team or individual is a great way to show your appreciation for their dedication. Winners are recognized each year at HCAM’s Annual Convention in September. Nominations open each year in late Spring. Please take a moment now to begin to think about who you might nominate.

Team of Excellence Award

The Team of Excellence Award will recognize and celebrate one skilled nursing facility’s and one assisted living community’s long-term care team for their exemplary contribution and unwavering commitment to delivering quality care to residents. A winning team is one that works to build a culture of excellence.

One team from a skilled nursing facility and one team from an assisted living community will be selected to receive the award. Winners will be recognized at the HCAM Annual Convention, Sept. 16-18, 2024, in Grand Rapids.

Gerry Baker Hero of Healthcare Award

Named for HCAM’s past board president, the Gerry Baker Hero of Health Care Award recognizes and celebrates those in the profession whose commitment to residents and co-workers goes beyond the already high standard long-term care workers set every day. Gerry championed Michigan’s long-term care industry for several decades, eventually serving nationally on the American Health Care Association board, working his way up to chairman in 1999. The Gerry Baker Hero Award will honor dedicated individuals who perform their jobs in an exceptional manner.

In 2024, HCAM will award up to 4 Gerry Baker Hero Awards to SNF employees and up to 4 Gerry Baker Hero Awards to AL community employees. Winners will be recognized at the HCAM Annual Convention, Sept. 16-18, 2024, in Grand Rapids.

Resident of the Year Award

The Resident of the Year Award will recognize and celebrate one skilled nursing facility resident and one assisted living community resident who makes a real contribution to the well-being of fellow residents and/or the long-term care community. There are many ways a resident could do this, such as sharing a special talent with others, overcoming a tremendous personal challenge, organizing something that benefits others or providing inspiration to staff and other residents.

 In 2024, HCAM will select one skilled nursing facility resident of the year and one assisted living community resident of the year. Winners will be recognized at the HCAM Annual Convention, Sept. 16-18, 2024, in Grand Rapids.

Skilled Nursing Scholarship Nominations Accepted Until July 15, 2024

Established in 2016 in memory of HCAM’s long-time legal counsel, the David Lebenbom Memorial Scholarship provides cash awards to assist employees in meeting education expenses and advancing the long-term care profession. Contracted as special legal counsel for the association in the 1960s, David Lebenbom helped pioneer the laws governing long-term care in Michigan over the next 40 years. His firm, Lebenbom and Rothman P.C., continues to serve as HCAM general counsel today.

Scholarship applicants must be employed by an HCAM skilled nursing facility member in good standing for a minimum of one year and be enrolled in an education program related to long-term care at an accredited college or university. This can include, but is not limited to, nursing, art, music therapy, and other related fields.

In 2024, HCAM will award up to eight $2,500 scholarships. Winners will be recognized at the HCAM Annual Convention, Sept. 16-18, 2024, in Grand Rapids.

Opportunity to Support Skilled Nursing Scholarships for Education

One way HCAM promotes excellence in senior care is by helping long-term care employees build lasting careers. HCAM’s David Lebenbom Memorial Scholarship program supports employees who want to further their education.

The scholarship fund relies on industry support. Your gift makes career advancement possible for employees of HCAM member facilities currently enrolled in a program related to long-term care at an accredited college or university. This includes nursing, art or music therapy, long-term care facility management, social work, and several other related fields. Scholarships are a win for employees as well as the industry as we strive to alleviate staffing challenges.

The scholarship fund is registered as a 501(c)3. A donation may qualify as a charitable contribution for tax purposes. Please consult your tax advisor.

Thank you for supporting long-term care careers and bolstering the talent pipeline!